Our New Logo
Honest Beginnings has a new look. It all started with a roll of painters tape.
Painters tape. Simple, honest. Blue, red, yellow, magenta, green. Good for taping things up, keeping out a mess, making a repair. It's there when you need it. It helps with whatever you need.
Honest Beginnings is like painters tape. There for you. Ready to help whenever needed. We're each different. Our lives, dreams and problems are unique. Like a patchwork of overlapping tapes through the years. We hold each other together, and repair where needed.
Our new logo depicts two houses overlapping to make a heart, symbolizing heart and home. The two houses that Honest Beginning began with.
And happy coincidence, Nick’s Dad was a painter.
The Nest Logo
The new Nest logo despicts a nest of overlapping branches, symbolizing the protection and togetherness of a safe haven.